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2006-03-09 12:41:40
Last author: Cassandrart
Owner: Cassandrart
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Mad Cat Contest Entries

My winner of choice is: <img300*0:>
Congratulations [Ga_Inja]!

Your Winner of choice is:
Congratulations [Neon Pegasus]!

Badges will be distributed as soon as the poll is closed.

Poll closes on the 1st of March

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14) Who should win the Mad Cat Contest? (No administrator)

Number of voters: 5
a) <img50*0:>[Mirime]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

b) <img50*0:stuff/Photo/3456.laptop1/1%2F3456.1.jpg>[Neon Pegasus]
Number of votes: 3 (60%) Voters: [Ga_Inja], [Lifebringer], [Mirime]

c) <img50*0:stuff/ninjasoso.jpg>[Lifebringer]
Number of votes: 2 (40%) Voters: [Cassandrart], [Neon Pegasus]

d) <img50*0:>[Kethianna]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

e) <img50*0:stuff/Photo/5425.Fingerprints%20Again/2%2F5425.Fingerprints%20Again.1.jpg?xy=700>[Spartan 087]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

f) <img50*0:>[inkheart]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

g) <img50*0:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsamandaMy%20DocumentsMy%20PicturesHades06.jpg>[Leara]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

h) <img50*0:>[nokaredes]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)


0.Your PIcture
Your description
[your screen name]

Here is Bink, enjoying the catnip and valerian root teabag he found on my desk. (He was all the way down the hall, too!)

Now if Georgie's obsession with getting rid of my laptop does not qualify him as a mad cat, then what will? A stripy hat? The weirdest thing is that my laptop did 'die' the other day.Maybe he's driving ME mad...
[Neon Pegasus]

Description: This is Soso climbing on the thingy we have on the door to prevent flies coming in the house in summer.
(I took her, Nana after all her son is yours not Soso :p Soso is mine my own my preciouss Hehehehe :p)

My boyfriend´s cat gone mad, clearly he does not get enough, Jum Jum has to rape that poor sponge...

This is my cat Tiger... she is crazy! Be afraid..... I am...
When Tiger goes on one of her "frenzies" I run and hide! Who knows what she is capable of! Just look at the look in those eyes!

This is my cat fingerprints....She's completly nuts....Trust me....
[Spartan 087]

This is my cat Frammatta, Matta for short. Evidently she didn't like the cat treats I bought her...

Hades...not only is she already a psycho cat, making her mad in the terms of crazy, she was also mad in terms of being angry in this pic as well. O.o It was the first and only time I ever seen her do that.

9. <img:>
This is my cat Yoda.


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Mad Cat Contest

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2005-11-28 [Cassandrart]: Meh.. I took that picture :p

2005-11-30 [Cassandrart]: Welcome [Mirime]! I love your cat he looks so fluffy! ^_^ And his pose is priceless :p

2005-11-30 [Hedda]: Nice ass, Bink! ;-)

2005-12-01 [Akayume]: lol! the two kitties here are s cute!

2005-12-01 [Hedda]: Not as cute as Lilo, but Lilo is never mad... Not so that I can take a picture of her, anyway.

2005-12-02 [Akayume]: ^^ I guess I could put up a pic of bob being stupid....he acted stupidly mad all the time><  ((Lookie here! *V*))

2005-12-02 [Mirime]: Heeey, no admiring my cat's ass! He's neutered anyway, Hedda ;)

2005-12-03 [Neon Pegasus]: Ha! managed to get a picture here. Life is hard without my laptop:< [Mirime] Your cat is soo funny!!

2005-12-03 [Hedda]: Too bad I didn't get a picture of when [kali] sniffed a dog. That is madness!

2005-12-03 [Cassandrart]: Haha Patty I wished you'd enter this picture ^_^damn I like it so much ^_^

2005-12-03 [Lifebringer]: Sorry I couldn't resist taking it and as I don't know how you upload pics here I took advantage of your already uploaded pic :p After all Soso's mine ;p

2005-12-03 [Cassandrart]: Meh alright. I will let you this time because she's yours :p You can see Switters in the pic though :p

2005-12-05 [Cassandrart]: LOL [Ga_Inja]!

2005-12-08 [Ga_Inja]: Hehe, I think it runs in the family, I mean, both me and my Boyfriend are kinnda er.. Wierd... hehe

2005-12-08 [Cassandrart]: same here :p

2005-12-10 [cat eyed farie]: whoa!! scary cat!! [Kethianna]

2005-12-10 [cat eyed farie]: damn...i can't get it to go any smaller!!! *ARGH!!!*

2005-12-10 [Cassandrart]: [cat eyed farie] I'm sorry but yours doesn't fit the contest :( I want pictures of cats doing weird stuff :( [Kethianna] yours seems like she's gonna attack me *steps backwards*

2005-12-11 [Kethianna]: I think that was actually her sneezing XD but it was so long ago I cant remember... and she has certainly attacked my hand many times! I have scars to prove it :P

2005-12-11 [Kethianna]: she's normally extremely cute and innocent looking :P

2005-12-11 [Neon Pegasus]: [Ga_Inja] I'd be really really worried if that was my cat!

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